My brother James has just published a very important book. Here is what he says about it in the Amazon blurb and on the back cover:
MESSIAH PROMISED is a concise book about the Messianic promises already fulfilled, and yet to be fulfilled; when Christ Jesus returns to Jerusalem and establishes his eternal kingdom. Nine chapters plus an Afterword present a valuable outline of Bible prophecy, together with many references to assist the reader with thouroughly researching this magnificent subject. The threads of prophecy that apply to the MESSIAH are examined carefully, beginning with the promise to Abraham of Messianic blessing for all nations. Messiah is the promised king who will bring about God's new world order.
The appalling atrocities perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on innocent Israeli civilians, have plunged Israel and the world, into even greater darkness than ever before, and I believe, bring us closer than ever to the END TIMES foretold in the Bible.
Three years ago, I worked with a good friend of mine, Neville Coomer, to format and publish a printed version of a chart of Bible prophecy, which Neville and his wife Helen had commissioned me to paint for them.
Neville was keen to have the minimal amount of human interpretation alongside the pictures of the chart’s timeline sections, and I was happy to go along with this, since the juxtaposition of the relevant Bible passages with the images on the chart provided enough food for thought and further research for anyone who wanted to look into these things in more depth.
However, James has carefully researched the subject and set out his findings in a fresh and accessible way. At the end of each chapter, he gives copious references for follow up study. I would highly recommend James’s book as a valuable companion to the “Bible Prophecy Panoramic Chart: God’s Purposes through the Ages” book, which read in conjunction with “Messiah Promised”, will provide the reader with a sound grip on the key points to bear in mind, so that they don’t become hopelessly confused (which is the case with many commentators!)
Here to whet your appetite, are a couple of screenshots from both books, with links to their online pages on Amazon (Click on the images to go to the books’ Amazon pages):
James’s book screenshots:
Bible Prophecy Panoramic Chart book promotional image: